Singly Linked List in C
According to Wikipedia, a linked list is a linear collection of data elements, whose order is not given by their physical placement in memory. Instead, each element points to the next. It is a data structure consisting of a collection of nodes which together represent a sequence.
We’ll implement a Singly Linked List using the C language. The complete code for this post can be found here.
The following code is based on a lecture by Rhio Sutoyo, S.Kom., M.Sc. in Data Structures course.
Header Files
The only header files we’ll be using are the following
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
Node Struct
A node
is just a single element inside the list, which in this case represents a student’s information with their name
and age
. Also, it has a pointer
to the next node
typedef struct node {
char name[200];
int age;
struct node* next;
} node;
Notice that we also use typedef
which allows us to omit the struct
keyword in the instantiation of a node
Function Prototypes
Since we are writing in C, we need to first prototype every function we’re going to implement below our main
function. Here is the list of functions we’ll be implementing
node* create_node(const char* name, int age);
void push_back(const char* name, int age);
void push_front(const char* name, int age);
void insert_after(const char *name, int age, const char *key);
void delete_head(void);
void delete_tail(void);
void delete_node(const char* name);
void delete_list(void);
void print_list(void);
Global Head and Tail
For this example, we will create a global variable called head
and tail
, which denotes the first element and the last element in the list respectively.
node *head, *tail;
Creating a Node
To create our student node
, we will implement the following function.
node* create_node(const char* name, int age) {
// allocate memory of size 'node';
node* student = (node*) malloc(sizeof(node));
// create a new node based on the given arguments;
strcpy(student->name, name);
student->age = age;
return student;
Inserting a Node into the Linked List
Push Back
There are multiple ways to insert a node
to a linked list, and first we’ll be implementing a function called push_back
which will append a new node
to the end of the list.
void push_back(const char* name, int age) {
// create a new node;
node* student = create_node(name, age);
if (head == NULL) { // if list is empty;
head = student;
tail = student;
head->next = NULL;
tail->next = NULL;
} else {
// add new node to tail;
tail->next = student;
// set new node as tail;
tail = student;
tail->next = NULL;
Push Front
Then, we can also implement a function called push_front
to add a node
to the front of the list.
void push_front(const char* name, int age) {
// create a new node;
node* student = create_node(name, age);
if (head == NULL) { // if list is empty;
head = student;
tail = student;
head->next = NULL;
tail->next = NULL;
} else {
// set the existing list as 'next' of the newly created node;
student->next = head;
// set the newly created node as head;
head = student;
Insert After
Lastly, a function called insert_after
will allow us to insert a new node
after a particular key
void insert_after(const char* name, int age, const char* key) {
// create a new node;
node* student = create_node(name, age);
node* curr = head;
// traverse to the node which the new node will be placed after;
while (curr != NULL) {
if (strcmp(curr->name, key) == 0) {
} else {
curr = curr->next;
if (curr == NULL) { // if key is not found;
printf("\"%s\" is not in the list.\n", key);
} else if (curr == tail) { // if key is tail;
// append to tail;
push_back(name, age);
// free student since it's unused;
} else { // if key is somewhere in the middle of the list;
// append the rest of the list after the newly created node;
student->next = curr->next;
// connect the new node after the key;
curr->next = student;
Deleting a Node from the Linked List
Delete Head
We can delete the head
of the list.
void delete_head(void) {
node* curr = head;
// set head's 'next' as the new head, then free head;
head = head->next;
Delete Tail
Likewise the tail
of the list.
void delete_tail(void) {
node* curr = head;
// traverse to second to the last node in the list;
while (curr->next->next != NULL) {
curr = curr->next;
// set the second to the last node as the new tail;
tail = curr;
// free the old tail;
tail->next = NULL;
Delete a Particular Node based on name
We can delete a particular node
based on its name
void delete_node(const char* name) {
node* curr = head;
// traverse to the node before the node to be deleted;
while (curr != NULL && strcmp(curr->next->name, name) != 0) {
curr = curr->next;
if (curr == NULL) { // if 'name' is not in the list;
printf("\"%s\" is not in the list.\n", name);
} else if (curr->next == tail) { // if 'name' is tail;
} else if (curr->next == head) { // if 'name' is head;
} else { // if 'name' is somewhere in the middle of the list;
// set tmp as the node to be deleted;
node* tmp = curr->next;
// skip the node to be deleted;
curr->next = tmp->next;
// delete/free node;
Delete Linked List
Allow for the deletion of the entire list.
void delete_list(void) {
if (head == NULL) { // if list is empty;
printf("List is empty.\n");
} else {
while (head != NULL) {
// set the node after head to be the new head;
node* curr = head;
head = head->next;
// free the old head;
// reset head and tail;
head = NULL;
tail = NULL;
Print Linked List
For convenience, create a function to print
the entire list.
void print_list(void) {
if (head == NULL) { // if list is empty;
printf("List is empty.\n");
} else {
node* curr = head;
// traverse through each node;
while (curr != NULL) {
printf("Name: %s, Age: %d\n", curr->name, curr->age);
curr = curr->next;
Main Function
Lastly, we’ll demonstrate how the main
function looks like.
int main(void) {
push_back("Steven", 19); // [Steven]
push_front("Bill", 24); // [Bill, Steven]
delete_head(); // [Steven]
push_back("John", 14); // [Steven, John]
delete_tail(); // [Steven]
push_front("Anne", 16); // [Anne, Steven]
insert_after("Greg", 26, "Anne"); // [Anne, Greg, Steven]
delete_node("Greg"); // [Anne, Steven]
delete_list(); // []
return 0;
Linked List allows for dynamic list allocation, relatively more efficient in the insertion and deletion of an element, but requires linear access time.
Linked List will also be useful in the implementation of other data structures such as stack
and queue
which will be discussed in future posts.