Doubly Linked List in C

6 minute read


After learning how to implement Singly Linked List, we’re going to implement Doubly Linked List, which is similar to Singly Linked List, but with the addition of a prev pointer which points to the node before it.

We’ll implement a Doubly Linked List using the C language. The complete code for this post can be found here.

The following code is based on a lecture by Rhio Sutoyo, S.Kom., M.Sc. in Data Structures course.

Header Files

The only header files we’ll be using are the following

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

Node Struct

A node is just a single element inside the list, which in this case represents a student’s information with their name and gpa. Also, it has a pointer to the next and previous node.

typedef struct node {
    char name[200];
    double gpa;
    struct node* next;
    struct node* prev;
} node;

Notice that we also use typedef which allows us to omit the struct keyword in the instantiation of a node.

Function Prototypes

Since we are writing in C, we need to first prototype every function we’re going to implement below our main function. Here is the list of functions we’ll be implementing

node* create_node(const char* name, double gpa);
void sorted_push(const char* name, double gpa);
void delete_node(const char* key);
void print_list(void);
void print_reversed_list(void);

Global Head and Tail

For this example, we will create a global variable called head and tail, which denotes the first element and the last element in the list respectively.

node *head, *tail;

Creating a Node

To create our student node, we will implement the following function.

node* create_node(const char* name, double gpa) {
    // allocate memory of size 'node';
    node* student = (node*) malloc(sizeof(node));
    // create a new node based on the given arguments;
    strcpy(student->name, name);
    student->gpa = gpa;

    return student;

Sorted Push

Instead of implementing push front, back, or middle, we’re going to create a function which will automatically insert a node in ascending order of gpa.

void sorted_push(const char* name, double gpa) {
    // create a new node;
    node* student = create_node(name, gpa);

    if (head == NULL) { // if list is empty;
        head = student;
        tail = student;
        head->next = NULL;
        tail->next = NULL;
        head->prev = NULL;
        tail->prev = NULL;
    } else {
        node* curr = head;
        // traverse to the node with gpa greater than the one being pushed;
        while (curr != NULL && curr->gpa < student->gpa) {
            curr = curr->next;

        if (curr == head) { // if the head already has a value greater than the new node's;
            // append old head to the new node;
            student->next = head;
            head->prev = student;
            // set new node as new head;
            head = student;
            head->prev = NULL;
        } else if (curr == NULL) { // if we've reached the node after tail, i.e. all values are less than the value being pushed;
            // append new node to tail;
            tail->next = student;
            student->prev = tail;
            // set new node as new tail;
            tail = student;
            tail->next = NULL;
        } else { // if we have to push the new node in the middle;
            // connect the current's previous node to the new node;
            curr->prev->next = student;
            student->prev = curr->prev;
            // connect curr as the next of the new node;
            student->next = curr;
            curr->prev = student;

Delete a Node Based on Name

We can delete a particular node based on its name.

void delete_node(const char* key) {
    if (head == NULL) { // if list is empty;
        printf("List is empty.\n");
    } else {
        node* curr = head;
        // traverse to the node to be deleted;
        while (curr != NULL && strcmp(curr->name, key) != 0) {
            curr = curr->next;

        if (curr == NULL) { // if key is not in the list;
            printf("\"%s\" is not in the list.\n", key);
        } else if (curr == head && curr == tail) { // if key the only node in the list;
            // delete node;
            // reset head and tail;
            head = NULL;
            tail = NULL;
        } else if (curr == head) { // if key is head;
            // set old head's next as new head;
            head = head->next;
            head->prev = NULL;
            // free old head since its no longer used;
        } else if (curr == tail) { // if key is tail;
            // set the node before old tail to be the new tail;
            tail = tail->prev;
            tail->next = NULL;
            // fre old tail;
        } else {
            // skip the node being deleted;
            curr->prev->next = curr->next;
            curr->next->prev = curr->prev;
            // free the deleted node;

For convenience, create a function to print the entire list.

void print_list(void) {
    if (head == NULL) { // if list is empty;
        printf("List is empty.\n");
    } else {
        node* curr = head;
        // traverse through each node;
        while (curr != NULL) {
            printf("Name: %-10s GPA: %.2lf\n", curr->name, curr->gpa);
            curr = curr->next;

Since we have the prev pointer, we can easily print the list in reverse order.

void print_reversed_list(void) {
    if (head == NULL) { // if list is empty;
        printf("List is empty.\n");
    } else {
        node* curr = tail;
        // traverse through each node backwards;
        while (curr != NULL) {
            printf("Name: %-10s GPA: %.2lf\n", curr->name, curr->gpa);
            curr = curr->prev;

Main Function

Lastly, we’ll demonstrate how the main function looks like.

int main(void) {

    sorted_push("Steven", 3.5); // [Steven]
    sorted_push("Bill", 2.0); // [Bill, Steven]
    sorted_push("John", 3.7); // [Bill, Steven, John]
    sorted_push("Ace", 2.5); // [Bill, Ace, Steven, John]

    delete_node("Ace"); // [Bill, Steven, John]


    return 0;



With doubly linked list, we can easily move forward and backward from a node, which will highly ease the process of adding a node, printing in reverse order, and others which singly linked list would have a difficulty of doing.